You Won’t Believe This High School Girl’s Shocking Secret

Here at SocialNewsDaily, we’ve covered our fair share of high school students — their feats of bravery, their astounding advocacy and creativity, even sometimes their unbelievable luck. This time, we’ll talk about this high schooler with a deep, dark secret.

See that girl up there? This fresh face has drawn much attention and amazement online. Her face has gone viral on many of Asia’s social media sites, and you’ll never be able to guess why. she’s unavailable to comment on her new-found popularity, is constantly unavailable for interviews, and it’s unlikely she’ll ever make guest appearances on television. Why?

Because this high school girl is NOT REAL.

Meet Saya, a 3D-generated model created by the husband-and-wife team Yuka and Teruyuki Ishikawa.Saya will not only be a key character in their talks on the workflow of creating photorealiztic models at the CGWorld’s Creative Conference, but she will also star in a movie they’re working on. This movie may be one of the best ways to test Saya’s movement realism, from facial expressions to mobility to overall human movement.

The couple are not limited to creating real-world models. Check out this sweet armored sci-fi fighter:

They also share their knowledge to fans on what kind of tools they use in creating their art.

Is this a makeup-free Charlize Theron? Nope, still 100% CGI. Check out that amazing dewy complexion, the bloom on her cheeks, and the pores:

If you find yourself becoming a fan, why not head over to their webpage? They’re also open to jobs and collaborations; just hit them up and remember to ask nicely.

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