Santa Swore At Children During Event; Now Parents Want Him On Naughty List

naughty list
Photo by The National

It just keeps getting worse by the day as Christmas draws closer, doesn’t it? First, a churchy man reveals that Santa is not real to children. Then a random Grinch cuts down Christmas lights. Now, we have a Santa at a festival who swore at children during one Christmas festival event. Now the parents want him on the naughty list.


During one Christmas family event at St Ives, Cambridgeshire, UK, families gathered around a grotto to take pictures and wish gifts to Santa Claus (who totally isn’t a man dressed as Santa and deserves to be on the naughty list). However, the usually peaceful event was perturbed by a sudden fire alarm which apparently got activated by smoke from another nearby event.


To the surprise of the children and their parents, Santa ripped off his beard and hat and yelled to everyone (including the children) to “get the f*** out!” As you can guess, the children who were lined up waiting their turn to sit on Santa’s lap all died inside. 


“People were in the process of vacating the building and in came angry Santa swearing using the most vile language, ripping off his hat and beard with steam literally coming from his ears…not sure why he was so cross?” said one of the parents. Some of the children were so upset that they had to be carried outside after Santa told them to get lost in a most colorful vocabulary.


In response to the crushed hearts and souls of the parents and children who now want Santa on the naughty list, Festival Events St Ives responded in Santa’s defense. They said that “FESt wish to apologise for any offence or distress caused to parents and children by the attempts to ensure all visitors and staff had exited the building and were safe.”


They also added that despite the language, Santa immediately assisted all the people after the fire alarm went off. Still, he definitely needs to chill back in the North Pole.

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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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