Donald Trump may not have declared a state of emergency as often as other presidents in history, but he has certainly taken advantage of the tool. A national emergency gives the president more power and was created to act quickly during times of immediate threats like during 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. Not to use as some kind of loophole in order to get the money for a wall that is unnecessary and quite over-priced. According to Trump, no one cares that he’s taking advantage of the system which he practically gloated about in his
So I’m going to be signing a national emergency and it’s been signed many times before. It’s been signed by other presidents from 1977, so it gave the president the power there’s rarely been a problem. They signed it nobody cares, I guess they weren’t very exciting. But nobody cares, they signed it for far less important things in some cases, in many cases. We’re talking about an invasion of our country with drugs with human traffickers.
While there’s no telling Trump or his supporters how useless a border wall will be, at least we’ve gotten a ton of great political cartoons out of this nonsense. Here are the best political cartoons inspired by Trump’s latest state of emergency.
1. Contain The Threat
Trump wants us to contain the threat so why not build a wall around himself? He’s the only immediate threat to our country and a wall containing the president rather than decorating the border will certainly cost us a lot less.
2. The Real State Of Emergency
When it comes to political cartoons, Jim Carrey has got it down pat. His most recent cartoon depicts Trump’s mother in labor giving birth to something that resembles a chicken. Carrey captioned his work saying, “The real State of Emergency began in 1946 at the Jamaica Hospital in Queens, NY. Definitely not human.” Is it a chicken? A basilisk? An evil faun?
3. No Money Down
Trump is going out of his way to find loopholes to get the money he needs for his wall, and it’s just SAD (as he would say). There’s so many things that could be done with that money to improve our country. Imagine what it could do for homeless veterans, for our healthcare system, for student loan debt.
4. Golf Emergency
If only Trump got paid for all of the golf he’s been playing lately, he could fund the border wall himself!
5. The Trump Plane
Hop off the Trump plane before he runs it into the ground with his national emergencies and government shutdowns. Or stay on and crash and burn with the orange man in charge. The choice is yours.
6. National Emergency Simulator
Immigrants have been invading the United States since the day Christopher Columbus claimed to have discovered this land. That was a lie, and so is Trump’s reasons behind this state of emergency.
7. What’s Your Emergency
Trump’s real national emergency is that he made promises he can’t keep, and instead of compromising he’s going out of his way to destroy the country. And it’s ALL the Democrat party’s fault!
8. In Case Of Emergency
In case of emergency, do as the president does! Break the glass, grab your golf clubs and head to Mar-a-Lago! Then sit on Twitter and troll anyone who disagrees with your political views between holes until you manage to get a rise out of one of them to prove how sensitive liberals are.