“Overweight Virgin” Who Didn’t Realise She was Pregnant Gives Birth

"Overweight Virgin" Who Didn't Realise She was Pregnant Gives Birth

Claims of Christ’s second coming have been circling the internet in recent years, from a massive wooden cross washing up on a beach and spooking locals in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to claims that Issac Newton predicted the Son of God’s arrival in 2060.

Still, this is the first time in 2000 years that we’ve heard about a pregnant virgin. A woman in China, who claims that she’s never dated, let alone had sex, gave birth on 6th February after being rushed to hospital with stomach pains.

Doctors say the 20-something from Guiyang, in the Guizhou province, was “excessively overweight” (how rude!) and therefore didn’t notice she was carrying a child.

They also added that the woman was “genuinely surprised” to be pregnant, despite being educated. And matters quickly became even more complex when the unnamed woman asked for a virginity test to be conducted, before requesting a caesarean section.

When she arrived at the ER, doctors were stunned to realise that the woman had no idea she was in labor, and that her abdominal pains were actually contractions.

When the attending obstetrician told her the news, the woman responded with: “Impossible. It’s not possible that I’m pregnant!”

The doctor, who asked to remain anonymous in the Guiyang Evening Post’s coverage of the incident, said: “She demanded that we perform a virginity test on her. It was very frustrating.”

"Overweight Virgin" Who Didn't Realise She was Pregnant Gives Birth
Source: Pixabay

While hospital staff said the woman insisted she couldn’t be pregnant as “she doesn’t like men” and “never had a boyfriend, much less sex.”

When her physician suggested the shock pregnancy was the result of date rape, or perhaps occurred in a drink-induced black out, the woman said she was “allergic to alcohol and doesn’t touch booze.”

“There was nothing more we could say to convince her that she was going into labour,” the doctor added.

Doctors agreed to the woman’s request for a c-section, and once born, the child was handed to the woman’s parents, as she refused to nurse him.

According to the Guiyang Evening Post, the woman lived alone, and as her periods were irregular she remained unaware of her condition for nine months. Apparently, none of the woman’s friends or family had noticed either.

The head of obstetrics said: “It’s not the first time we’ve had a mother who only realised she was pregnant right before giving birth.

“They are usually underage and lacking in knowledge about their physiology.

“But this patient is in her 20s and was educated, so we’re particularly surprised.”

There is no news yet as to whether the woman plans to give the child up for adoption, or who the baby’s father is.

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