Tinder Wants to Match You With the President of Your Dreams


Aaah, Tinder. You beautiful little loaf of Wonderbread, you have this powerful knack of getting people together for either a whirlwind romance — or an awkward walk home in the morning. We’ve swiped left (and to our chagrin, accepted that we’ve been swiped left ) on so many occasions, in hope of finding that one right person to swipe right to, giving the phrase “Mr. or Ms. Right” a whole new level of context.

And as if that wasn’t enough, now you;re making it even easier for us to say “Yes!” to someone who could be one of the most important people to make all our wildest dreams (and in some cases, our wildest fantasies and closet kinks) come true — the next president of the United States of America.


Tinde, together with RockTheVote, is out to not only find you the perfect date for the weekend, but is out to educate its users on the current presidential candidates, as well as their stances on important issues, courtesy of “Swipe The Vote”.

How? It’s so simple, really. If you’re a US resident, you’ll see a “Swipe The Vote” video card as you swipe. Go ahead and tap that. You’ll be given a series of issue to swipe left or right to depending on where you stand on these. Are you for drilling oil and gas in the US? do you believe in keeping MGBT same-sex marriage rights? How do you feel about healthcare reforms? Just swipe right if the issue sends your heart racing, and left if you’d rather pass on them. Want to learn more about the issue? No sweat; just tap on the video card before you swipe. Just like with a potential boo, it really does pay to make informed decisions.


After you swipe away that  the top ten hottest national issues, Tinder will reveal the best presidential candidate for you. Will you find yourself staring dreamily into Bernie Sanders’ eyes, chilling in a humble voting booth and sharing a socially democratic pizza? Will you be slow-dancing with Donald Trump along his Great Wall of Trump, stroking his out-of-this-world hair? The choice is yours, and yours alone!

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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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