Hey, selfie buffs and Macbook owners — if you feel the age of the mobile selfie is quickly approaching its demise, the iPad selfie is too cumbersome to even be considered cool, and you’re looking for a fresh shot up the arm for your selfie life, this just might be the device for you.
No, really. Not kidding. Better get your arm muscles ready for this.
The Macbook Selfie Stick has been seen used by artists around New York City’s Times Square and on the roofs of a number of buildings on its website. Does the contraption look heavy? You bet: With its aluminum stick and large plastic base and clamps for the Macbook, it certainly seems as if it’ll take some considerable strength and staying power just to snap a steadily decent photo. However, one photo on the site does show one member of the trio wielding it single-handedly, so maybe it’s not all that heavy?
You may find yourself wondering: “What an incredibly silly and counter-intuitive product! I must have it! When does it go on sale?!” Sorry to break it to you, folks, but this device isn’t going on the stands any time soon. The Macbook Selfie Stick is actually a series of conceptual art photos created by artists Moises, John Yuyi, and Tom Galle. These three artists have created tech-centric art before, whether it be installation, performance, or code.
So, what does it all mean? Is it meant to be a statement on the absurdity of selfie culture? Is it meant to criticize the continuing one-upmanship of selfie talking, with the tools getting bigger, making the overall situation more bsurd and ridiculous?
Your interpretation may differ from ours, of course, but we do know for a fact that The Sydney Opera House and Disneyland isn’t letting this thingamajig in any time soon.