Once upon a music video, before Maddie Ziegler and Shia LeBoeuf, before Chandelier, and before the iconic platinum blonde wig — there was Sia.
And this Sia could never be more different from the more public, popularity-shy Sia we know and adore right now. As a matter of fact, the pre-Chandelier Sia may perhaps be more described as an acquired taste, but all the same, her earlier videos will give you a sneak peek at her imagination, her candor, and her humor.
1) Buttons
Silly as these faces look, you gotta admit, these do seem pretty fun to do on your own. (Specially the hose-pulling one.) Kooky as this video is for a song about pushing a potential lover away because of personal baggage, Sia commits like anything: that stunt trapping her head in a condom is no joke.
2) The Girl You Lost to Cocaine
Sia dresses up as different kinds of women — wigs, shoes, makeup, body padding, the works — all to drive the point home: face it, buddy, I got to move on, you’re too into your crack for me to respect myself when I’m with you.
3) Clap Your Hands
Another delicious romp, Sia leaps buildings, gyrates on volcanoes, and chills out on trees, all thanks to her inventive DIY costumes and puppet bodies. You’ve just got to love how Sia embraces her silliness, lets it out and lets it have its own brand of nutty fun.
4) Soon We’ll Be Found
One of her more subdued, restful songs, Sia sings about finding peace from a world of hurt and disappointment through sleep. The dream-like quality of the video — the neon hands, glow-in-the-dark accents against black light — certainly make for a vivid, whimsical subconscious state.
5) You’ve Changed
Sia turns iconic 80’s high school yearbook photos into a game, DIY style. The inventiveness, timing, and whimsy in all of it is just too fun to not be taken by it.
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