With all this talk of violence at his political rallies, it should come as no surprise that 54 percent of Americans surveyed indicated they would punch Donald Trump in the face. The tongue-in-cheek question was asked to participants in WalletHub’s 2016 Taxpayer Survey.
CNBC reports:
“A stunning 54 percent of American taxpayers would like to give GOP front-runner Donald Trump a knuckle sandwich, according to WalletHub’s 2016 Taxpayer Survey.”
“This survey takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to taxes” says WalletHub analyst Gill Gonzalez. Obviously, it’s a pretty serious subject and we wanted to add some fun questions to it.”
The survey asked participants “Who would you most like to punch in the face?” and provided them with seven choices, including Mr. Trump. In close second was Hillary Clinton, followed by the President, a congressman, an IRS agent, and an accountant.
Pope Francis, Barack Obama, and Bernie Sanders topped the list for “Who We Like More Than The IRS.” The least popular figures for that question were O.J. Simpson and Kanye West.
The majority of Americans prefer Bernie Sanders’ tax plan, according to the data under “Which Candidate’s Tax Plan Do We Like Most?” However, most people indicated they had “no idea” who they liked better.
In regards to the survey’s methodology, the authors write:
“This report reflects the results of a nationally representative online survey of 1,000 individuals conducted between March 15 and March 16, 2016 in partnership with SurveyMonkey.
“After all responses were collected, we normalized the data by age and gender so the panel would reflect U.S. demographics.”
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