You might have seen a message floating around on your social media accounts that warns of a massive Instagram deletion coming in just a few days. It might look something like this:

Rest assured, this is bullsh**, your semi-inactive accounts aren’t bankrupting Instagram, and they’re not about to just arbitrarily decide that you’re not Instagram enough.
Even though the apparent fear of “spams” should be enough to clue you in that this is a hoax, never, and we mean never in the history of the Internet has any social network or email provider asked its users to re-post or re-send something like this in order to “prove” to its admins that your account is legit.
As Hoax Slayer points out, “the basic premise of the hoax is absurd. Certainly, some online services may terminate accounts that have not been used for lengthy periods. But, they do not need users to share a silly message to show that they are active members. They have far more sophisticated means of measuring activity on their networks.”
We’ll go ahead and add that if Facebook, Instagram, et al were going to purge accounts for any reason, they’d likely make an announcement on their blog, which would then make SocialNewsDaily (bookmark us!), the tech blogs, and even some of the mainstream news publications.
They might also possibly send you an email warning you of the purge, but it wouldn’t ask you to forward the email to all of your friends to “spread the word,” because it would just email all of the addresses it has associated with its account holders.
Rest easy, Instagram users. Your account isn’t going anywhere.
[Image: the girl who owns the world]