Social media and internet challenges are all the rage these days. The problem is, some of these challenges can range from quite annoying to outright dangerous. However, one challenge originating from Instagram might be something we can all get behind safely. The said Instagram challenge involves masturbating… each day… for 30 days straight.
While some of you have already completed it 12 times over on a regular year, there are those who are quite reluctant about pleasuring themselves. These people are the target of the Instagram Challenge which was initiated by Amy Baldwin and April Lampert, co-hosts of the Shameless Sex podcast. They call it the Self-Pleasure 30-Day Instagram Challenge:
“The intention of this challenge is to help de-stigmatize #selfpleasure while also giving participants an opportunity to connect with their own pleasure/body on a deeper level,” expressed Amy and April. According to the two women, only people aged 18 or older can join.
It requires participants of the Instagram Challenge to DM or email an anonymous photo of themselves similar to that above with a few words explaining their self-pleasure practice. By the way, no porn or sex toys are allowed and a minimum of 10 minutes per day of masturbation is required.
If the incentives are… lacking, for you, then Amy and April are set to give away some prizes to lucky participants in a raffle by the end of May.
According to Amy and April, masturbation still somehow has a stigma attached to it. Most Christians ought to be familiar with such negative connotation. Some religions and cultures also treat masturbation similarly.
For men, thinking and acting like this can actually open them to increased risk of prostate cancer since ejaculation can help against it. For women, masturbation can ease menstrual cramps among other benefits. Everybody wins. So, are you up for the said Instagram Challenge? Feel free to, uh, discuss in the comments… wholesomely.
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