A week before Halloween, people are usually cramming up preparations. Costumes, pumpkins, candies, and even the whole house decorations and parties, after all, it is a night of fun and terror– two words which usually are not compatible any other time of the year. However, the mayor of Georgia seems to only have terror in mind after he unveils his plan to round up and detain paroled sex offenders during Halloween night.
Grovetown, Ga., Mayor Gary E. Jones has recently announced a precautionary plan where people with recorded sex offenses are to be rounded up and detained at the city hall until Halloween is over. Mayor Jones even seems to be excited about his plan and also shared it on Facebook where approximately 30 sex offenders are to be held in the city hall at a set time:
“It’s a good tool to remove temptation or those thought processes from those individuals,” said Jones. However, people do not seem to be convinced that it was the right thing to do. The citizens of Georgia are now on an ongoing debate about Jones’ plan. Some comments even pointed out the obvious:
Still, Jones reiterated that what he and the city officials were doing on Halloween is perfectly legal:
Regardless, Jones’ assumption on how dangerous Halloween can be for children seems unfounded, making his precautionary plan unwarranted perhaps. In fact, contrary to the said urban myth, there is no evidence that children are more likely to be victimized by sexual predators on Halloween.