Oh, Ted Cruz. Horrible parking?! Why do you just have to keep doing this to yourself?!
It seems that after bowing out of the presidential race, Senator Cruz has come back to Capitol Hill for another regular work day in his life. Unfortunately, it seems he just can’t take a hint, or doesn’t particularly care to:
.@SenTedCruz arrives back in the Capitol for the 1st time since suspending his presidential bid pic.twitter.com/ZoUhElScv9
— Bill Clark (@billclarkphotos) May 10, 2016
Ugh. Really, Ted? Teally?! Please, people (oh, I don’t know, like your college roomie and even your own party members?) have gone out of their way to say how much they despise you. Why do you just have to keep making it worse for yourself?!
Natch, Twitter wasn’t having any of his horrible and inconsiderate parking skills.
Just begging to be keyed. @billclarkphotos @SenTedCruz https://t.co/OS2gFKdZjV
— LovelyLiberal♥4Hill (@38_28_38) May 10, 2016
Seriously, not cool, Ted. Not cool.
@billclarkphotos @teddyschleifer @SenTedCruz why are these folk allowed to park like pricks!? ..lead by example #dontBAdick
— Gus (@Mr__Gus) May 10, 2016
Other people opined that hey, maybe it wasn’t Ted behind the wheel? Maybe he actually had a driver? Twitter’s advice: Mr. Driver, you might want to go get yourself a better boss. Seriously.
@billclarkphotos @CQnow @SenTedCruz Perhaps someone should teach his driver how to park? Narcissism and arrogance must be contagious.
— Kathy (@ksbedard) May 10, 2016
At least Homer Simpson had the decency to look guilty.
@billclarkphotos @SenTedCruz pic.twitter.com/1m32yCOf6b
— RealSmartAss (@RealSmartAss47) May 10, 2016
Some commenters on Gawker got morbidly creative to show how horrid Ted Cruz is.
You monster! How could you! Think of the puppies and the children!