You Gon’ Eat That, Roadkill? It’s Now Legal In Oregon


Oregon drivers who turn the state’s elk and deer into roadkill can now reap them for food as a result of the law, which went into effect on January 1, 2019.

via Dimplify; “Unt uh, you ain’t eating me tonight mister!” Deer

Like to scoop a deceased animal off the highway for supper? Well, it is now legal to do so in Oregon.

“Eating roadkill is healthier for the consumer than meat laden with antibiotics, hormones, and growth stimulants, as most meat is today,” stated People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, on its site.

However, Oregon has guidelines before a slain animal can become roadkill stew.

via ForGifs
  1. Eat at your own risk! Any person who salvages a deer or elk will consume the meat at their own risk, so check for conditions such as chronic wasting disease. The state will not perform game meat inspections for any deer or elk salvaged.’
  2. ‘The entire carcass of the animal, including gut piles, must be removed from the road and right of way.’
  3. ‘Sale of any part of a salvaged animal is prohibited, but transfer to another person will be allowed with a written record similar to transferring game meat.’
  4. ‘Deer and elk that a vehicle accidentally strikes may be salvaged for consumption only. Intentionally hitting a deer or elk to eat it remains unlawful. Oregon State Police could follow up if a situation appears suspicious.’
  5. ‘This law applies only to deer and elk, not other animals. For information related to what to do about animals such as bears or mountain goats that vehicles strike, see the state’s roadkill page.’
  6. ‘Antlers and head of all salvaged animals will need to be surrendered to an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office within five business days of taking possession of the carcass. This rule is intended to help the department’s surveillance program on chronic wasting disease.’
  7. ‘In cases where a deer or elk is struck, injured and then killed to alleviate suffering, only the driver of the vehicle that struck the animal may salvage the carcass. Law enforcement must be notified immediately.’
  8. ‘Anyone who salvages a road-killed deer or elk must complete a free online permit within 24 hours and provide information including name, contact information, where and when salvage occurred, species and gender of animal salvaged, and if that person was the driver who struck the animal.’
  9. ‘The state of Oregon is not liable for any loss or damage arising from the recovery, possession, use, transport or consumption of deer or elk salvaged.’


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