Apparently, dogs love to be the center of attention. So much so, that they even get jealous of other inanimate objects. Of course, that is probably not unusual for creatures which have the intelligence of 7-year-old kids. One dog from Argentina might have gone green with envy… because of a ball, a soccer ball and demanded that the players turn their attention to him instead… in the middle of a soccer match.
Argentina was just having its usual exciting Sunday soccer (or football) match between the teams Unión De Santa Fe and Gimnasia when the match spotlight was stolen. A friendly dog named Rodrigo broke into the playing field while the match was ongoing and proceeded to lie on the grass. He then demanded some pets as the players approached him. Of course, who could not resist petting a soccer doggo?
So, was he a good boy or a bad boy for doing that? Regardless, he was a cute jelly doggo who can’t let some soccer ball take the attention of hoomans. Rodrigo got what he is owed but only for a short while. He had to be carried off the field so that the match would continue. However, his face was smug and shameless while he was being carried away as if he did not regret anything:
As for who won the match, it was Unión De Santa Fe in a leading 1-0, which is Rodrigo’s home team. Rumors are, Unión De Santa Fe trained Rodrigo to do that damn cute gesture during the second half in order to help the team win. While it was just a theory, what Rodrigo did secured his position as Unión De Santa Fe’s team dog where the players of the team now attend to him as a team member. Not bad for a secret weapon and winning strategy.