Daughter Dumps Dad With Alzheimer’s, Leaves Him To Die, But Something Surprising Happens

Living with and taking care of an afflicted pensioner, especially those with serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s, can be considered as God’s work. It takes a monumental amount of patience and loving care to take care of elderly people. However, one Japanese woman seems to have given up on her Alzheimer’s-stricken dad when she decided to leave him for dead, but then he remembers it.


A 79-year-old man from Kobe, Japan was recently seen alone and wandering in a motorway service station. Apparently, he also has Alzheimer’s disease since he seems confused and was unable to recall his name or home address after the authorities rescued him. He did remember only one thing– his daughter’s name, the person who abandoned him.


He was brought home 70 kilometers from where he was found. His daughter was an unemployed 49-year-old named Ritsuko Tanaka. Upon seeing him again with the police, however, Tanaka immediately admitted what the authorities had assumed: she left her father far away from home in an attempt to practice a traditional senicide called “ubasute” where elders are left alone in remote places to die.


Tanaka, in defense of her action, said, “I thought it was better if he went into a nursing facility after being admitted into police protection than being under my care.” Nevertheless, the said tradition is not considered ethical in modern Japan anymore. Hence, Tanaka was arrested on charges of neglecting her responsibility as a carer to her father, especially since he has Alzheimer’s.

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