…Well This Hashtag Is New

This new hashtag will make you reconsider humanity, and though they try to get it going every day, it actually hit off today.


Since we’re a social media site we write a lot about social media trends (that’s kind of our forte) and writing about hashtags is one of our favorite things to; today’s hashtag #HeterosexualPrideDay is something that we haven’t seen before. It feels like every time there’s a movement on social media there’s always a backlash from groups who can be described as cynical. Think #BlackLivesMatter and #WhiteLivesMatter or #BlueLivesMatter. And just to be clear, I’m not saying that I don’t care about police officers, rather just pointing out interesting trends.

If nothing else makes you feel anything, this one should:

#HeterosexualPrideDay comes during the middle of Gay Pride Month. So that’s kind of like having a white history day during African-American history month. Every month is white history month and every day is pretty much heterosexual pride day.

This one is hilarious

I mean the simple truth of the matter is that you don’t really need #HeterosexualPrideDay, it’s a superfluous hashtag. Every time I don’t have to be nervous about being accepted I’m proud to be heterosexual. And that happens every day. I did a bit of digging and I couldn’t really find out who is responsible for the hashtag. I’m assuming it was somebody who was trying to stir up some animosity on the most famous site for that category.

There were a few tweets with serious tones.

Featured Image: [Flickr/Chainless Photo]

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