The Holderness Family are at it again with a brand-new video that’ll have you bopping and chuckling along as you pass the green beans, sweet potato pie, and cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving.
Let’s face it, folks: Thanksgiving — and the pre-event epic meal-prepping for dinner — is no small feat. It has you minding and basting the turkey from the wee hours of the morning until that Pinterest recipe says so. It’s got you juggling the prep time for the gravy, the sauces, the side dishes, the casseroles. It’s got you worry how the heck you’re going to get the kids to eat every dish. and then you think about family coming over — the in-laws, the siblings, their respective kids, and the possibility of bracing yourself for whatever family drama or insanity might happen. So you do your best to smile, sip your chardonnay, and try not to scream — or at least, scream internally.
Hey, hey, we get that. We understand. the Holdernesses understand, too. And you know what else they understand? That a hilarious mashup of the latest Top 40 radio hits is one of the best ways to bring your chill back.
Watch Penn and Kim Holderness break the moves out and sing about the inevitability of Thanksgiving, with their own spins on Silento’s “Watch Me (Whip/Nae-nae)”, Adele’s “Hello”, and Drake’s “Hotline Bling”. Their kids complete the fun with their own antics as they pledge their allegiance to jello and do the Superman on a dad vanquished by their turkey dinner.
The video caps it off with subscriber and fan submissions featuring their own takes of the video. The kids, as usual, are just having fun, while their most of the parents seem to take the video as a good opportunity to have some wine while getting down.
Watch their special Thanksgiving Mashup below: