Tweet More Get More Followers, Twitter Study Shows Simplicity Of Engagement

Twitter Engagement and Followers - The Simple Study Findings

Twitter followers may not be as hard to obtain as originally thought. Sure you could be the most engaging guy or girl on Twitter or you could simply tweet a ton of messages.

The team at Beevolve conducted a round of social analytics reseacher and found that the more a users tweets the more followers they typically receive.

According to the study a Twitter user who sends out 1 to 1000 tweets will average 51 to 100 followers, while a user with more than 10,000 tweets will typically be followed by 1,001 to 5,000 people. If a user wants to become a super user they can tweet 15,000 tweets to obtain a follow between 100,001 and 1 million Twitter users.

The full report is titled An Exhaustive Study of Twitter Users Around the World and it examines users’ demographics, follower stats, gender preferences, favorite keywords and smartphone/app preferences.

The study also brought up other interesting facts, for example the average Twitter user is English speaking, 28-years-old and female with an average of 208 followers.

The study also revealed that the most commonly used words include “family,” “technology,” “entertainment,” “education” and “publishing.”

Do you think tweet count directly correlates to Twitter follower count?



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