During this time of sorrow and dialogue about the tragic mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse club, there are just some people who are more intent to spread the hate and judgement rather than the love. Twitter user @CertifiedFool_ has just bout had it with all the homophobic hate, and decided to expose the faulty reasoning for the hypocrisy it is.
So let’s start where it all begins — when homophobic statements get their “infallibility”, there’s usually a bible involved.
“According to the bible…” pic.twitter.com/b3EeNmQyBA
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
the LGBT community is an “abomination”? You wanna dance, buddy? Ok, let’s dance.
If you really want to talk about what the Bible considers an abomination we can. I’m well versed in this word.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
If you turn to Proverbs chapter 6, verse 17 you will see that lying is an abomination, yet y’all on here lying about y’all dusty lives daily
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
How about food? considering how often you say nasty things about what gay people put in their mouths, maybe it’s time you took a look at what you put in yours. and this guy ain’t even warmed up yet.
Turn to Isaiah chapter 66. Here we learn that eating unclean things is an abomination aka pork & I’m sure one of you sucking a rib bone now.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Leviticus chapter 11 verse 12 states that we shouldn’t eat shell fish. It’s an abomination. Put that crab leg down.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
You think you’re so classy with your Pinot Noir? Not according to the Bible you ain’t.
For all you wine and liquor drinkers, you should probably check out Proverbs chapter 20. You might just be an abomination.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Dear divorced ladies, the old testament hates you.
How can you, a defiled divorced woman judge someone for being gay when your Lord considers you unclean? pic.twitter.com/CroABw4UbQ
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
And y’all cheaters ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
And don’t get me started on all you dusty cheaters out here because y’all are abominations in several different ways pic.twitter.com/J3yyCdWeGo
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Checking some fine booty and catcalling isn’t going to save you, either.
You straight dudes ever watched p*rn or looked at a woman and thought about how sexy she was? Matthew chapter 5… pic.twitter.com/j2bF2mMcx9
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Enjoy all your bling and ink in the fiery pits, I guess.
I know you love your rolexes and your pearls and your chains etc, but unfortunately you may just go to hell. Go read Timothy chapter 2.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
You got tattoos on your body coming for the gay community when your God said you shall “not print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Oh, another thing, Ladies: did you know free speech in church can get you in serious afterlife trouble? Tsk, tsk.
Again for my ladies. You have the nerve to say homosexuality is against the bible and that same book says you shouldn’t speak in church.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
and your clothes and ‘dos, too.
Look at the tag on your clothes? Is it a polyester or fabric blend? Because according to Leviticus chapter 19 y’all going to hell too.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Leviticus chapter 19 also states that y’all shouldn’t get round haircuts or trim ya beards so… pic.twitter.com/5WsUZF4HtL
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
Long story short: Leviticus is one super-harsh book. Cherry-picking verses to suit your homophobia and hate isn’t its intended purpose.
Leviticus is a pretty interesting book. Chapter 3 says you shouldn’t eat things like steaks or burgers, but here y’all are.
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
So now that you’ve actually seen what the bible says about abominations, who’s going to heaven? I’ll wait. pic.twitter.com/MuXAJJgPwP
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 12, 2016
And just in case you went all TL;DR on this amusing thread, here’s the condensed version.
So I was responding to one person in my DMs and decided instead to respond here. Kill all you birds with one stone. pic.twitter.com/IosHX0Y7xg
— masc potatoes (@CertifiedFool_) June 13, 2016
Though some uber-religious users scrambled to refute and justify the hate, Twitter applauded this guy’s shut down.
@CertifiedFool_ @Pwnzyy lol all these crazy ass religious folk in this thread crying over some tweets
— Hi (@MarksmanStan) June 12, 2016
@CertifiedFool_ best thread I’ve ever seen pic.twitter.com/B813SjDG4Z
— Megan (@_MeganCx) June 12, 2016
@CertifiedFool_ pic.twitter.com/K4uNSY6KlH
— Hubert James (@hubertjamesOG) June 13, 2016
@CertifiedFool_ THIS THREAD WAS EVERYTHING!! pic.twitter.com/aKmW5kHsRW
— PimpNamedSlickBack✞ (@Khryssi05) June 12, 2016
@CertifiedFool_ you’re winning the internet (and my heart) today. Thanks for this! 🙂
— Crystal Darche (@crystaldarche) June 13, 2016