So, mobile phone lanes.
Have you ever had that experience where you just really need to send that one text message because you’re in a hurry, or it’s an emergency, or you’re in dire need to send it because you’re battery’s about to give out? You really can’t help but slow down on the sidewalk so you can better focus on texting properly, only to be glared at by angry pedestrians. Indeed, how dare you have that basic human need to send a text message in the 20th century!
Being a college student is no joke, and aside from meeting deadlines for term papers and studying for exams, there’s the back-and-forth with your professors on your reports and thesis, coordinating with your study group, and organizing meet-ups with your organizations. all this juggling can really make a student feel the need to send messages while on the go, and one university in Thailand knows that predicament all too well.
Kasetsart University in Bangkok rolled out its first few “mobile phone lanes”, as conceptualized by a group of students who saw the need. These students understand that not only is bumping into other people while texting an inconvenience and annoyance, it can also be a safety hazard in itself. so instead of banning texting-while-walking practice, why not just devote a lane to these mobile users?
This idea was suggested as part of the Toyota Thailand’s Toyota Challenge 2015, encouraging students to come up with solutions for common problems found around campus.
These mobile phone lanes are currently on trial on one of Kasetsart University’s busiest streets to see just how effective this solution is in real life. We do sincerely hope it passes with flying colors.
Watch the video report below: