Puberty is the first big ordeal for many people. It’s the age when boys and girls start sprouting all kinds of hair in unwanted places and then they start trading in their toys for makeup and unfortunately, porn. For that matter, teenagers trying out experiments is not unheard of; one of them even stuck his penis in a toilet pipe for research purposes. It didn’t end well.
It happened to a 16-year-old boy from Johor, Malaysia on May 20. The unnamed teenager apparently got curious (and horny) that he decided to make a toilet pipe his improvised sex toy. He shoved his penis inside the pipe but midway through the tryst, it got stuck due to a protruding alloy tube.
Since his situation is embarrassing by any standard, he didn’t call for help immediately. The boy actually tried to free himself from the rogue toilet pipe for over an hour to no avail. He was really stuck. So, he threw away what’s left of his dignity and called his friends and housemates for help. The Fire Department had to rescue him.
“The metal pipe is about six inches in length with a [thickness] of 5 millimetres, and is no longer used. The firemen had to cut the pipe first,” says Senior Fire Officer Seniman Idris. They had to use a circular saw to cut the toilet pipe and the sparks even flew toward the boy while they were cutting it. Thankfully, the teenager and his member were freed safely.
While his penis actually became swollen (in a bad way) after being trapped for a long time and had minor injuries, he’s practically unharmed.
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