Ready for a bit of Fry and Grylls?
Famous English comedian Stephen Fry and famous guy-who-drinks-his-own-pee Bear Grylls have very different opinions when it comes to one of the most important questions anyone can ask in their lives: Is there a God?
Fry, an atheist, joined Grylls, a Christian, on the Channel 4 documentary Bear’s Wild Weekends for a spell in the wildnerness, and the former brought up the topic of spirituality while the two sat by a creek.
“I suppose, a man of faith like you, this probably restores your faith in the creation. Or a creator,” Fry posed.
What followed was the most reasonable discussion that has ever occurred between a person with faith and a person without.
Even reddit, that well-known haven of atheist thought, gave their blessing to the exchange. “The only Christian and Athiest discussion I ever want to hear. The rest can pack it up go on home,” wrote redditor bs_destroyer.
You can watch Stephen Fry and Bear Grylls share the most reasonable religion debate ever above.