Poo-tential Mas-turd-piece: Someone In Maine Makes Art Out Of Moose Poop

moose poop
Photo by Sunny Skyz

It’s not often that one gets to call art a piece of crap (unless you’re a regular viewer of MTV). However, when the art you are staring at is literally made out of turd, then calling it a piece of crap is merely a statement and not an insult. The thing is, one grandmother in Maine, had poo much– sorry, too much of a good thing with moose poop that she makes art out of them.

57-year-old Mary Winchenbach is making waves with poop, not hers, but from wild moose. She has made it a habit of collecting moose droppings and turning them into lovely and even cute piece of sh– shtuff. Mary has even gone viral along with her creative moose poop art workshop and store which she called Tirdy Works.

Of course, making art out of poop is easier said than dung, you can’t polish a turd, after all. So instead of making them shiny, Mary kept the appearance of the poop. However, to prevent the poop from smelling, she has invented a new process to eliminate the smell. Some of her creations are downright adorable:

Mary’s Tirdy Works has, in fact, been in business for 15 years now. However, she has recently seen a spike in the popularity of her, uhm, products due to coverage from an NBC News affiliate. Much of Tirdy Works’ appeal is the humor and creativity which Mary pours into her moose turds. At the moment, Mary has a backlog of 400 orders of her Tirdy Works art pieces, that is going to take a lot of shit.

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