“In hell there will be nothing but law.” The words of Grant Gilmore have never rung truer for one schoolboy, or any school children in general. Some schools tend to have too many suffocating rules and policies which are not conducive for children’s education. One schoolboy even got punished for having short hair after the school tells him to get rid of his long hair.
16-year-old Jonathan Soares has a head full of naturally curly locks. It can’t be helped, some people’s hair are simply like this. However, his school, the Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, in Norfolk, England, will not have any of it. Apparently, a teacher from the said school told Jonathan that his curly hair is too long and orders him to get a haircut, as per school regulation, so he did:
Jonathan went up to the local barber and got a standard short hair cut. One would think that his trouble with school rules would be over. However, the next day, his teacher… hated his short hair, apparently it was too short now. Hence, Jonathan was put in isolation for a week as punishment for mere short hair. Needless to say, his mother, Sophia, was furious.
“It’s ridiculous. It seems to me like they are making an example out of Jonathan. I understand that they need to have the correct uniform and look smart but there are no patterns in it and it’s not an outrageous color – it’s just a short back and sides. In my eyes how he chooses to have his hair cut is up to him,” ranted the 35-year-old Sophia.
Jonathan and his mother are worried too since the punishment might affect the boy’s General Certificate of Secondary Education (GSCE) and might ruin his chances of getting into his target College next year.
Still, the school officials and owners were adamant with their rules, “Great Yarmouth Charter Academy’s guidelines on uniform and appearance have been well
Seemingly in a reply to the school’s irrationality, Sophia fumed, “You should not isolate a child for their haircut. A haircut does not stop you from learning. He is not the only child in that school with that haircut either – it’s discrimination. He’s not learning anything in isolation now so he might as well be at home.”
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