There’s few things in this life as therapeutic and cathartic as a good cry. Now, add a good-looking guy, a hard tear-jerker of a video, and some soothing words, gentle looks, and soft fingers to wipe the tears away.
Now, imagine being able to rent this all.
Welcome to Ikemeso, a company that allows you to rent a hot guy to help you cry and caress those salty tears away. The name of the company is actually a play on Japanese words: it puts together the words “ikemen” (meaning “hot guy”), and “mesomeso” (meaning “crying”), to give you the perfect description of what their service is all about.
Here’s how it works: all of Ikemeso‘s men are certified in the fine art of “therapeutic crying”, and specialize in encouraging you and your co-workers to let it all out. you pick your favorite flavor of character, he comes to your workplace, and has the group watch a video that’s meant to induce a good cry. When everyone is reduces to sobs and wet cheeks, he then goes around and wipes the salty tears away and soothes each person. Why? It’s their philosophy that seeing everyone together in such a “natural and honest” state greatly improves communication and lead to better morale overall. Such a holistic approach.
So, what flavors of character does Ikemeso have in store? Nothing but the very best! Who do you see yourself weeping into his arms?

Ikemeso will be open to bring on the crying and give sessions on September 24. So if you happen to live in Japan and are in need of some tear-induced camaraderie among your colleagues, be sure to book your guy ahead of time. We hava strong feeling they’ll soon be in demand, even at birthday parties and weddings.
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