Ah, Twitter hashtags. You never cease to entertain us. Even to the point where you start sending our favorite movies on the verge of hysteria, because, well… that’s what your latest hashtag is all about, right?
Welcome to #MakeAFilmAnxious, where films get better with just a drop or two (read: a whole bucketload) of high tension and cold sweats.
Let’s start with a bang, shall we?
If you’re reading this first thing in the morning and you’ve had about three cups of coffee before the first quarter of your work shift… for the love of God, you’ll probably want to put that cup of joe down.
#MakeAFilmAnxious The Over-Caffeination of the Christ pic.twitter.com/xH42bhwE8Q
— Scott Watson (@scottymwatson) September 18, 2015
So. Much. Stress.
#MakeAFilmAnxious Stress Outta Compton
— Eric Schwartz (@ericschwartz) September 18, 2015
You might need a prescription for that.
Pump Up the Valium #MakeAFilmAnxious
— Lisa Taylor (@mseric) September 18, 2015
… and an appointment with your Ob-Gyn, defibnitely.
9 1/2 Weeks Late #MakeAFilmAnxious
— Gillian Padley (@Gillienotts) September 18, 2015
It’s Draco Malfoy’s dream come true.
Scaredy Potter ? #MakeAFilmAnxious pic.twitter.com/Bn8XU6O6BK
— Brendan McInnis (@BrendanMcInnis) September 18, 2015
… and Marlin’s worst nightmare.
Finding Nemo Upside Down #MakeAFilmAnxious
— Linda C. (@justcallmelinds) September 18, 2015
Haven’t you heard? There’s actually Science behind it.
#MakeAFilmAnxious The Social Anxiety Network
— daddy narwhal (@JonnyMcNarwhal) September 18, 2015
You, the last cute snuggie at half off — and a hundred rabid shoppers. Yyyeah.
Black Friday the 13th #MakeAFilmAnxious pic.twitter.com/F7RVV5c2TX
— Charley Kaye (@charley_ck14) September 18, 2015
When those sheep just ain’t helping.
#MakeAFilmAnxious Raiders of the Lost Sleep pic.twitter.com/QvKFbjLQHP
— Regina Spacola (@gigirules7) September 18, 2015
The first rule of Fright Club is: You Do Not Talk About Fright Club. It’s just too scary.
#MakeAFilmAnxious Fright Club pic.twitter.com/Dxt3KLMv21
— Regina Spacola (@gigirules7) September 18, 2015
*Cue creepy violin music*
Why Is There A Fiddler On The Roof? #MakeAFilmAnxious @AfterFFriday
— McMannofthepeople (@McMannofthepeop) September 18, 2015
When a spider googles for symptoms from a spider bite… you know.
#MakeAFilmAnxious Charlotte’s WebMD
— Liao Lu (@LiaoLiaoLu) September 18, 2015
NO! Just… NO!
Shaving Private Ryan Everywhere With A Rusty Razor #MakeAFilmAnxious EXAMPLE @AfterFFriday pic.twitter.com/YlSw2ppX0M
— Damian Vanore (@DamianVanore23) September 18, 2015