PETA Compares Animal Idioms To Racism, Demands End To Them; Gets Dogged Online Instead

Animal Idioms
Photo by Twitter/PETA

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal) is without a doubt one of the most polarizing groups ever, at least online. While some of their advocacies can be noble and reasonable, some are also questionable and borderline waste of resources. So when they demanded that people stop using animal idioms because those are violent, you can bet the internet has an answer to them.


PETA recently took to Twitter and uploaded a notorious new advocacy which their group wants to be done with grim determination: stop the so-called “Anti-Animal Language.” These are animal idioms where animals are used as metaphors or figurative points of comparison for real-world issues which usually don’t always involve animals:

Seems they got a little too creative there and even preserved the rhyme in some of the idioms. Some people do prefer bagels, however, bacon can be more delicious and nutritious. Of course, the internet responded with flying colors and people were quick to come up with their own intentional pig-headed… er, sorry, Trump-headed retorts.


Still, PETA is intent on keeping with its advocacy and went mad as a hornet, I mean, mad enough to… deplore it? Whew. So they came up with their own reply:

Yep, they really did compare apples to oranges. Well, not exactly the first time that PETA has drawn controversy online by advocating something only to end up with the completely opposite result of their goal.

People simply did not let up and went out of their way to make PETA’s advocacy a wild goose chase… oops.

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