Having a bun in the oven isn’t easy to do. There’s minding your diet, managing your moods, following your doctor’s orders, and getting your daily recommended amount of exercise. some moms-to-be opt for gentler activities, like taking walks, light yoga, or swimming.
This mom, however, just has no chill: she’s a pole dancer to the very end.
Meet Jill McLean, AKA, Cleo the Hurricane, a 36-year-old Australian pole dancer, instructor, and competitor. She is living the life and helping others get their groove on while getting healthy, all the while watching her belly grow. and grow, and grow.
She writes in her blog:
Now, what about pregnancy? Well I’m going to be completely honest here… I absolutely LOVE being pregnant (for the most part)… but I have also never felt so unsexy as I do today (especially in the last trimester).. womanly DEFINITELY, feminine YES, confident YES… but sexy? That’s a big NO! I am literally ABOUT to give birth and can see that my body has changed significantly. I have put on just under 50lb and when I stand naked and look in the mirror I love what I see (my baby belly) however it is in a completely different light to what I’m used to. Even my husband sees me differently, now as the mother of his child and these days it’s all about the little kisses and cuddles instead of what got me pregnant in the first place! The SEX! As much as I have enjoyed this journey, preparing for motherhood, watching my baby belly grow… I have been CRAVING and LOVING that feeling of putting on my heels, a sexy song and pole dancing… just to feel sexy again.
It takes a special kind of badassery to put on a pair of sky-high heels, strut your stuff, and do those splits while you’re third-trimester heavy.
Jill even treated her fans to a short routine of hers on Facebook. (We are so living for that baby belly rub.)
“Pole Dancing has brought to me so MUCH, I mean if you’re a pole dancer you know exactly what I’m talking about,” she writes. “The freedom, strength in my body and mind, the confidence, feeling feminine, feeling sexy and, of course, feeling EMPOWERED. I love the heels, skimpy outfits that used to scare me when I first started, the sensual movements, the athleticism… everything about it! Yup, you know what I’m talking about.”
However, some people just poured on the haterade, and couldn’t keep it to themselves.
Thank goodness, there were more people who let the love flow, and cheered her on.
And their little bundle of joy was just born this week!
Wishing this lovely family all the love! Keep on dancing and shining, Jill! You are a true inspiration to us all.
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