Racial and political tensions in the United States have certainly gone up ever since a certain president assumed his post. Likewise, there have also been a lot more hate crimes committed against people of color in the said country. These crimes range from the individual level to the more legislative scale where even immigrant children are being separated from their mothers. So it would be understandable for a lot of groups to demand the takedown of a Confederate statue, as they apparently symbolize the idea of slavery and racism.

One incident, however, proved quite unfortunate for a protester. Or rather a vandal, depending on some peoples’ perspectives. 26-year-old Andrew Schneck has been charged with attempting to maliciously damage property receiving federal financial assistance. This was after he was arrested for being spotted kneeling near the Dowling statue in Houston Texas back in August last year. Schneck was carrying what appeared to be improvised explosives.

It was only until March this year that Schneck pleaded guilty and only until recently that he got his sentence with a $10,000 fine. When asked why he wanted to bomb the said statue of the Confederate war hero, Schneck simply stated that he “did not like the guy.” The statue was named and dedicated after Richard Dowling, a lieutenant in the Confederate army whose unit defeated a Union invasion force at the Battle of Sabine Pass in 1863.

The case would have been lighter in any other instance, but since the statue was funded federally for maintenance, Schneck went to the federal court. Meanwhile, the heated debate and protests against the Confederate statues and symbols ensue.
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