We previously announced that Felix Baumgartner had broken a significant YouTube live stream record with his epic supersonic space jump over the weekend, but why should he get all the views?
Another YouTube video re-enacts the jump at an exact 1:350 scale with a Lego set and what appears to be some kind of empty plastic cleaning solution container standing in for the device that Baumgartner jumped from.
Uploaded by user Stratos Jump, the roughly 2-minute video recreates the space jump with a Lego Felix, who himself also safely lands on the ground below after his parachute successfully deploys. The video has already earned half-a-million views since being published yesterday, and has a long way to go before it touches the real space jump’s 8+ million record.
Still, it’s cute, so check it out! You can also watch the original Felix Baumgartner’s jump video here.
[iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/yFU774q6eVM” width=”560″ height=”315″]