For Kim Kardashian International Women’s Day Did Not Go Well

Kim Kardashian may have made a mockery of International Women's Day

For poor Kim Kardashian International Women’s Day did not go off the way she might have hoped. Yesterday was supposed to be a day that championed women’s rights and their contributions to society. Microsoft promoted the #IWD2016 hashtag on Twitter and posted an inspirational video that caused us to take a hard look at the failure of our society to adequately recognize the great women of history.

And a number of other great organizations and individuals joined in on the hashtag, posting inspirational tweets that applied to women around the globe.

Emma Watson (the most beautiful woman in the world), who is a massive proponent in the fight for women’s rights was particularly active on Twitter yesterday. Her movement, HeForShe, which strives for gender equality even got the empire state building lit up in pink and their own emoji.

International Women’s Day was a success! Everybody was happy, we were championing women as equals and their achievements to the world. It was beautiful.

But for Kim Kardashian International Women’s Day was something else, though we can’t really figure out what exactly. The reality tv star, began day by posting a nude selfie on Twitter.

And obviously, the tweet basically broke the internet, everybody quickly got very angry.

This might have gone too far, but then she wrote an essay for her website where she said:

“I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me. And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world….It’s 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it’s like, enough is enough. I will not live my life dictated by the issues you have with my sexuality. You be you and let me be me.”

So while other women like Malala Yousafzai and Emma Watson were celebrating the achievements of women, and shattering the glass ceiling, Kim Kardashian apparently thinks being a woman is about being naked.

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