Justin Beiber Cancels His Meet & Greets

Justin Beiber has cancelled his meet & greets due to emotional strain

Justin Beiber has announced that he will no longer be holding meet & greets after concerts because they leave him “drained”. He recently posted an image of himself on his Instagram with a fan and explained the reason behind the sudden cancellation. The picture already has over 1.3 million likes, but then again there’s also a rather boring picture of a fish on his instagram that also has 1.3 million likes.

Love u guys.. I’m going to be canceling my meet and greets. I enjoy meeting such incredible people but I end up feeling so drained and filled with so much of other people’s spiritual energy that I end up so drained and unhappy.. Want to make people smile and happy but not at my expense and I always leave feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression .. The pressure of meeting people’s expectations of what I’m supposed to be is so much for me to handle and a lot on my shoulders. Never want to disappoint but I feel I would rather give you guys the show and my albums as promised. Can’t tell you how sorry I am, and wish it wasn’t so hard on me.. And I want to stay in the healthy mindset I’m in to give you the best show you have ever seen 😉

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Twitter lit up Wednesday morning with an outpouring of love and support for the 22-year-old playboy. The hashtag #WeAreHereForYouJustin started trending and fans quickly uploaded their Justin pics.

It’s kind of nice to see the support for a kid that everybody loves to hate. Beiber has made history for urinating in mop buckets, getting a DUI and we actually tried to get him kicked out of the country with a petition. But when he needs support there are people behind him, and though most of them are probably fourteen-year-old girls, they’re still tweeting.

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Headline Image: Pascal Parvex https://www.parvexfilm.com – Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14887078



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