Justin Beiber has announced that he will no longer be holding meet & greets after concerts because they leave him “drained”. He recently posted an image of himself on his Instagram with a fan and explained the reason behind the sudden cancellation. The picture already has over 1.3 million likes, but then again there’s also a rather boring picture of a fish on his instagram that also has 1.3 million likes.
Twitter lit up Wednesday morning with an outpouring of love and support for the 22-year-old playboy. The hashtag #WeAreHereForYouJustin started trending and fans quickly uploaded their Justin pics.
we will never leave your side, we care. Always remember that @justinbieber#WeAreHereForYouJustin pic.twitter.com/JASEAX8fbY
â 㠤㠤 (@avonsroyaIty) March 23, 2016
He’s so good to us…. ? #WeAreHereForYouJustin pic.twitter.com/O07JVL7GxK
â ď¸Rae (@miraclebiebs) March 23, 2016
It’s kind of nice to see the support for a kid that everybody loves to hate. Beiber has made history for urinating in mop buckets, getting a DUI and we actually tried to get him kicked out of the country with a petition. But when he needs support there are people behind him, and though most of them are probably fourteen-year-old girls, they’re still tweeting.
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Headline Image: Pascal Parvex https://www.parvexfilm.com – Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14887078