Humor is what makes the world a whole lot more palatable to live in. (At least, most of the time, as long as you have the right sense of humor.)
It’s been a while since we last did a post on Twitter Lols, so we’re back with more to help your day!
Aaah, yes. Nothing like a quiet evening with the family spent on a wholesome activity. Perfectly pleasant.
My parents never allowed violent video games. Just family-friendly board games with questions like, “Who murdered this guy with a pipe?”
— Jordan (@jordan_stratton) April 27, 2015
Same, bruh. (On second thought, I’m probably 70% computer den and 20% fridge, so what does that make me?)
They say that wherever you travel becomes a part of you. So I’m pretty sure I’m 98% living room.
— Spanky McDutcherson (@thatdutchperson) August 17, 2015
Such smooth. Much wow.
When you shave for the first time in months.
— Amanda (@Manda_like_wine) January 8, 2016
We’re so hipster, we out-hipster the hipsters.
My band is so indie we don’t even record together. You have to buy 4 separate cds and play them at the same time.
— Mike Bianchi (@Mike_Bianchi) October 15, 2013
“This is your last warning. I’ve watched all the Karate Kid movies, and trust me: I know Karate.”
My one weakness? Probably my unshakable belief that, despite a total lack of training, I’ll be able to do karate if I’m ever in a fight.
— Sir Michael (@Michael1979) June 13, 2015
“Let me project a mental image on your mind.”
Lost my car keys so I’m forcing the guy at Home Depot to make me new ones based on what I remember about them.
— Chelsea Lockwood (@Chelsea_Elle) July 29, 2013
The non-confrontational method to shutting up a terrible opinion.
As you explain your opinion, I slowly pull the drawstrings on your hoodie until your face is completely covered, then leave without a word.
— Ray (@SirEviscerate) July 19, 2015
And they’re comfortable AF, too!
If you don’t want me to show up to your wedding in pajamas then you might want to rethink using the words “evening wear.”
— Elizabeth (@Elizasoul80) June 30, 2016
“Excuse you, judges, exactly who was the one who pranced pretty to Santana that one time? Yes, that’s me.” *snort*
It’s insane that in the horse riding events they give the medals to the humans
— Siobhan Thompson (@vornietom) August 12, 2016
Feature image courtesy of Gratisography
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