Guy Asks CIA About Bin Laden’s Porn Collection, Check Out The Response

FOIA request
[Photo credit:]

In 2011, one of the most notorious terrorist leaders was killed by U.S. Navy Seals. Osama Bin Laden was killed in his secret Pakistan compound. Many have speculated on different aspects of the government operation, called Zero Dark Thirty. Out of the hundreds of pieces of confiscated items, such as hard drives and Al-Qaida files, one thing has garnered a lot of attention. Apparently, Bin Laden was a fan of porn and had amassed a very large collection of adult material. It seems some in the male community just have to know what Bin Laden found attractive…

The porn rumor was just that, until Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper confirmed it.

“On Wednesday, the office of the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, confirmed for the first time that “some pornographic material” was contained in Bin Laden’s recovered papers and personal effects.”

“But while the US declassified a substantial number of documents and released detailed lists of Bin Laden’s reading preferences, details the pornography kept by the man who was the world’s most-hunted terrorist will remain hidden.”

That’s where’s David Covucci comes in. He discovered that many files from the raid of Bin Laden’s compound had been released, but what was in his adult collection was still considered classified.

It seems that Covucci was strangely obsessed with the topic. In fact, he has written other articles about Bin Laden’s porn collection. Covucci, you may need help.

I imagine being under the constant threat of capture made you require some seriously graphic pornography to get it up.

“But the United States government isn’t going to let you masturbate like you’re the world’s most wanted man. Because of its “nature,” the government is declining to release what was in OBL’s collection.”

“Fucking bullshit nanny state bullshit.”

“I’m a man. I can handle knowing what kind of porn Osama Bin Laden watched. Ain’t gonna make me like him more, ain’t gonna make me hate him less.”

Well, he is right. In an American’s viewpoint, Bin Laden couldn’t be more hated if he tried. And he definitely tried.

So, Covucci set out to uncover the strange secret. He submitted Freedom Of Religion Act request to the CIA to get the information. His letter to the government was probably met with a few laughs:
“We at the men’s general interest publication BroBible dot com (one of the nation’s largest websites for men), would like to know what pornographic materials Osama Bin Laden had in his possession at the time of his death.”

“We are adults. We can handle it. We would like to know what kind of porn the world’s most wanted man jerked it to. Does being under the constant threat of capture require extra stimulation? I imagine it would be hard for him to focus on his dick, so I figure he had to watch some really nasty shit.”

Bin Laden's Porn Collection
[Photo credit:]

Surprisingly, Covucci recieved a response from the CIA. Not the response he had wanted, but a response nonetheless. Of course, he was denied that information, but the reason given was pretty good. Kudos to the CIA. Touche.

“With regard to the pornographic material Osama Bin Laden had in his possession at the time of his death, responsive records, should they exist, would be contained in the operational files. The CIA Information Act, 50 U.S.C 431, as amended, exempts CIA operational files from search, review, publication, and disclosure requirements of the FOIA. To the extent that this material exists, the CIA would be prohibited by 18 USC Section 1461 from mailing obscene matter.”

You can read the full letter here.

Sorry guys, it looks like you may never know the terrorist leader’s dirty little secret.

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