Okay, GOT fans. Let’s assess.
First, there was #RedWedding. then there as #PurpleWedding. And now, we have #BlackWedding.
Clearly, social media felt it was absolutely, irrevocably not okay.
Did Sean Bean (Daddy Ned Stark himself) knew what was coming all along? and more importantly, was he trying to warn us?
Feminist Geek site The Mary Sue announced they will no longer be promoting the show on their website.
Twitter went up in smoke over the weeping and lamentation of many of its netizens. It’s hasn’t been a very good week.
Literally shaking and terrified, never been so disturbed in my entire life ( as a GoT fan) What have you done ? #BlackWedding
— Carolina Chaparro (@cchpe) May 19, 2015
They deserve a blanket. And maybe some hot coco.
This wedding, all viewers died a little inside. #BlackWedding #GameOfThrones — Nilaksh Das (@nilakshdas) May 19, 2015
Okay, maybe a bucket and wet wipes, too.
[cries and vomits everywhere] #BlackWedding #GameofThrones
— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) May 18, 2015
“Hi, I’m Jonette, and I used to be a Game Of Thrones fan.”
We need a support group. #GameofThrones #BlackWedding — Christa Blackmon (@TheOdalisque) May 18, 2015
and yes, a good cry.
Me after watching the #BlackWedding @TheDove_Stark pic.twitter.com/UiJwF2hCEZ
— Queen Margaery (@Margaery_Rose) May 19, 2015
Fans are now wary of color themes and weddings. We personally don’t blame them.
Every time I get a wedding invitation, I’ll just turn them down & say Game of Thrones makes me traumatic of weddings. #BlackWedding
— Fatir Siddiqui (@fatirs) May 19, 2015
We might see a drop in color-themed weddings this week.
I’ll prob never get married because of the fear of weddings GoT has instilled in me. #RedWedding #BlackWedding #PurpleWedding
— ♠ Katja ♠ (@SadSerpent) May 18, 2015
You can always on #GameOfThrones weddings to be 1) fucked up 2) colour coded #blackwedding #howmessedupcanyouget?
— Ryan Abraham (@RyanAbraham1) May 18, 2015
A number of them saw how disaster could have been averted, and had only one collective thing to say: WHY?!
Sansa, you should have slashed Ramsey’s neck with your pin. Stab him like his father stabbed your family! #blackwedding #GameofThrones
— Chloe Chik (@chloechik614) May 18, 2015
So much anger.
Argh!! Kill him Sansa!! Stab him in the neck!! #GameOfThrones — _Alfie_ (@Alfie_1888) May 18, 2015
Others prefer something more subtle.
Why didnt she kill him and light a candle in the tower? #BlackWedding #GameOfThrones #Disturbed #Traumatised — Chloe Boshoff (@ChloeBoshoff) May 19, 2015
The book readers know what’s up.
Ok this is never meant to happen to Sansa Stark. @GameOfThrones is about to lose me. #TheNorthRemembers #GameofThrones — Jamie Tarabay (@jamietarabay) May 18, 2015
Sorry, GoT. Looks like some fans have now Noped out of your viewership.
Well I swore I wasn’t going to be one of those people but, I am officially DONE watching #GameofThrones on #HBO #ReFreakinDiculous
— NJAGP (@NJAGPodcast) May 18, 2015
As if it weren’t already official: #GameofThrones is a disgusting show that fetishizes rape and violence on women. I’m done. — Cara Dost (@cmdost) May 18, 2015
I AM DONE WITH THIS SHOW!!! #gameofthrones
— Stupid Fat Hobbit (@cook2020) May 18, 2015
How does George R. R. Martin feel? He released an official response to the episode, explaining that the TV series and the novels are two different creatures, and should be treated as such. Meanwhile, in Twitterland:
I could apologize for everyone I kill in my books… but Twitter limits me to 140 characters. #sorrynotsorry — George RR Martin (@GeorgeRRMartin_) May 6, 2015
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