LinkedIn has compiled work place data from more than 175 million LinkedIn professionals to determine that Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook are the top four companies to work for in the technology space.
According to LinkedIn senior manager Michael Li:
[quote type=”medium” align=”left”] We cross-referenced our data with thousands of survey responses to pinpoint the specific activities that best indicate familiarity and interest in working for a company: connecting with employees, viewing employee profiles, visiting Company and Career Pages, and following companies. After crunching this data and normalizing for things like company size, we developed our top 100 global list. We then applied LinkedIn profile data to rank the most sought-after employers among professionals in five countries and four job functions. [/quote]
The study included the top 100 company’s to work for of which 21 companies were placed in the “technology and software” sector.
While many “major brands” were listed nearly half of the top 100 company’s have less than 7,000 employees.
Here are LinkedIn’s top 10 brands to work for:
1. Google
2. Apple
3. Microsoft
4. Facebook
5. Unilever
6. General Electric
7. Pepsico
8. P&G
9. McKinsey Company
10. The Coca-Cola Company
Walt Disney was listed at number 10 but all I could picture was Mickey and Minnie working in a sweat shop somewhere.
Here’s an infographic LinkedIn put together to display its study results: