Gay Couple Attacked In Bed With Boiling Hot Water

A young couple was viciously attacked as they laid in bed, simply because they’re gay. Marquez Tolbert and his boyfriend were sleeping when a man poured boiling hot water on them, telling them to “Get out of my house with all that gay.”

“The pain doesn’t let you sleep. It’s just, like, it’s excruciating, 24 hours a day, and it doesn’t go anywhere,” Marquez Tolbert said. “It doesn’t dial down, anything. It’s just there.”

Tolbert has second and third-degree burns along his neck, back and arms. His partner, Andrew Gooden, has likewise been severely burned. He says the burn marks are scars of hate.

“Why else would you pour boiling hot water on somebody?” Tolbert asked.

Tolbert is just 21-years-old.

“I can barely think straight because the burning, the stinging is everywhere,” Tolbert said.

The perpetrator has been identified as Martin Blackwell, the boyfriend of Gooden’s mother’s, who walked in on them sleeping in Gooden’s College Park apartment and poured boiling water on them.

Martin Blackwell is being charged with aggravated battery after pouring scalding hot water on Marquez Tolbert and Andrew Gooden.

Tolbert spent 10 days at the hospital, undergoing a surgery that transplanted skin from his thigh to replace burned skin on his back.

Martin Blackwell remains in jail. He’s being charged with two counts of aggravated battery.

“Martin pulled me up and said, ‘Get out of my house with all that gay,'” Tolbert said. “I couldn’t stop screaming.”

According to Channel 2 Atlanta:

“Even though he said he wouldn’t put up with the couple in his house, Blackwell did not live in that apartment. It belonged to Gooden and his mother, but Blackwell was frequently visiting. According to a police report obtained by Channel 2 Action News, Blackwell said he was disgusted by the men’s relationship, telling police, “They’ll be all right. It was just a little hot water on them.”

“Like, where was your head at? Why would you do this?” Tolbert asked.

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