Facebook To Get New, Far More Attractive Log In Pages

Facebook has had the same old boring log in page for quite some time, but according to some new screenshots, they’ve got something in the pipeline. The screenshot above shows a much more radical design that’s visually appealing.

With a number of changes already arriving at the social network in terms of new advertising options (promoted posts), to Timeline and more, what users see when logging into the site, remained virtually untouched.

Not only will there possibly be the log in page we see above, but also a picture of a couple signifying the connection between friends and loved ones across their 1 Billion+ users. The new designs were no accidental display fluke in the system as Facebook confirmed that they are testing new ideas. According to a rep:

“We’re constantly testing new products and features across the site. We have nothing more to share at this time.”

There’s always the possibility the designs could be scrapped altogether. One thing is for sure, they won’t be going the route of Bing anytime soon with some sort of animated gifs in the background.

If the log in pages will be receiving a new design, what about when users log out? We’ve already seen some changes with log out ads, including a recent introduction of Facebook’s Chairs video that celebrates reaching 1 Billion users.



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