Why Every Brand Needs a Coming Soon Page Before Going Live

Are you planning to launch a new WordPress site? If so, you might be preparing to set up the right permalink structure, the sitemap, and the synchronization with Google Analytics.

You must have gotten your domain registered, signed up for cloud security, and are now busy in finalizing the website before it goes live. However, it might be a long while before your masterpiece is available for the public.

But what happens in the meantime?

Before you cross the to-do-list items, one after the other, there’s something else you should do and probably haven’t done already! That is, get a coming soon page up, as quickly as possible.

Most brands fail to consider the importance of a coming soon page and the benefits it brings.

Gear up! Here, we explain what a coming soon page is, why you need it, what should you be putting up on it and how it enables you to build an audience and exponentially raise site traffic post-launch.

What is a Coming Soon Page?

A Coming Soon page usually serves as a Landing page, where you enable people to learn more about your value proposition, elicit interest in what you offer, and encourage them to spread the word– all the while you prepare to launch.

You can think of a Coming Soon page as a “temporary stop” in the journey of the visitors – a web page that serves them in the short-term; while the rest of the website is undergoing the development stage. If you are currently using WP to power your site, a “coming soon” style page would also be useful during any downtime while your site in wordpress maintenance mode.

How should a winning Coming Soon page should look like

Just like a Landing Page, the coming soon page should also be optimized for conversions if you want to derive the best possible results and eventually get something out of it.

If you were to visit a WordPress themes and tempate site like ThemeForest, you would see a wide selection of coming soon and maintenance mode designs on their site. Each of them are unique in the way they look, while also offering different built-in features, however… you will notice a few recurring features amongst the best ones available.

When it comes to creating a coming soon page of your own, you will want to make sure you have these elements in place as well. Here are the elements that a properly optimized and ideal coming soon page should incorporate:

  • A concise but clear value proposition 

“One tap order for everything.” It doesn’t get any better than this. The page by Tapster – a food delivery app is communicating what it offers, how it can benefit the users and the wide-ranging scope of what it provides, in a single sentence. It is important to note that you shouldn’t be using a lengthier value proposition or else you risk losing the interest of the visitor.

  • Core features of the product in a single sentence

A bulleted list or a few short sentences should be able to convey the main features that the business offers. Doing so makes it easier for the user to gauge what you have to offer beforehand.

  • A simple call to action (CTA) placed strategically

A call to action that drives the visitor to engage or do something that helps with the sales is crucial. For instance, you can have the visitor “Sign Up” for the free trial early, “Download,” a brochure or “Subscribe” to the blog or newsletter. Notice how the visible call to action – “Notify Me” has been strategically placed in the middle of the page and catches the eye at first glance, making it tempting for the visitor to drop his email address.

The important thing to remember when creating your call to action, is that it’s the difference between a user leaving your site versus taking action.

  • Social Media Buttons

The Coming Soon page should include buttons that can redirect the visitor to your social media accounts and pave the way for further interaction in the future, as visible from the above example. Visually appealing and interactive at the same time, these buttons present an easy way for your audience to communicate and get to know you.

  • Graphical Representation of the Product while functioning

It is essential that the Coming Soon page also displays the said product in function. Doing so can help the user develop even more interest in the product or service. When looking around at the different WordPress themes available, this is one option that you should be considering. For instance, here, Tapster shows a snippet of the mobile app’s interface and how it looks when people have to order something.

  • Countdown timers

Deploying a countdown timer on your coming soon page can go a long way towards increasing urgency and resulting in conversions.

You can create unique offers for people to take advantage of within a specific period. You can choose from a variety of options including, discounts, exclusive deals, and add-ons. However, countdown clocks can prove to be effective only if they are leading up to something.

For instance, here, exclusive in-app features are being offered for those sign up before the countdown is over.

Why a Coming Soon Page is critical to your website’s success

A good number of entrepreneurs delay their launch for months in hopes of developing the best UI/UX design or crafting the most engaging content, only to be left dismayed by a low number of visitors when they launch eventually.

There is no reason why you should end up the same as them.

Your website could be miles away from being ready to launch and may require extensive A/B testing, design changes and backend development; before your site goes full throttle towards the numbers you aim to achieve. Social media engagement, SEO rankings, clicks, and lead generation will grow at their own pace. You need to rely on taking baby steps in the meantime and put up a “coming soon” page, as quickly as possible.

“If your website is blank and shows the “Under Construction” 404 Error, you will be unable to capitalize on the opportunity to interact with the people who are tempted by what you have to offer or sell!”

Believe it or not, one of the determining factors behind your site’s successful launch is, whether or not you have managed to garner a certain number of people anticipating it’s release.

Benefits of a “Coming Soon” page

Here are just a few of the many benefits of a Coming Soon page:

  • Lead Generation

If you are directing people to a page that does not readily have something available for immediate purchase, you must ensure that you do not lose them by ingeniously offering incentives for joining your email list. For instance, early bird pricing, giveaways, an entry into a contest, or content that holds some value. It can also work as a mechanism for accepting pre-orders.

A perfect example of how a coming soon page can be used for lead generation, is to have a ‘submit your email for updates’ form on your site. You can also give away a free PDF report or another incentive. This method works extremely well when integrating a WordPress popup plugin into the mix.

You can see an example of this in the screenshot below. Even better, when using a plugin like Hustle, you can add exit-intent technology or the ability to add social sharing to your coming soon page as well.

  • Research/Feedback

A simple Coming Soon page can prove to be a great source of data collection – feedback/suggestions received through questionnaires or surveys – data that can help you analyze the target audience and what it wants.

  • Brand Awareness

A Coming Soon page will also allow you to create a muchneeded buzz around your brand and get your message across to potential customers, even before the site has launched. You can see an example of what we are talking about below, as they have a super clean landing page that matches the colors and theme of the brand, while also delivering the message that they are “coming soon”.

Doing so will help promote your product/service, app, company or personal brand in the long run.

  • Taking the first step towards SEO

SEO optimization on the most searched keywords, leading towards the coveted “Top 10” ranking, is a long and hard journey, but one you must begin at some point. The Coming soon page can serve as the beginning of your brand’s SEO.

  • Getting in touch with potential customers

Successfully redirecting the visitors landing on the Coming Soon page to your social media pages can play a huge role in creating a channel of communication. You can seek honest opinions, conduct polls or better yet – have a live chat session and answer questions in realtime. It can also lead to higher engagement and gaining traction on social media forums.

  • Word of Mouth (Get People Talking)

The people who wish to take advantage of your offer and are excited about your idea at the same time can share it within their online social networks via social sharing buttons on the Coming Soon page. Online referrals, if successful, can let you take advantage of the virality factor. When people receive incentives for sharing along with the people they share it with, the number of people you can potentially reach expands drastically.

The negative impact of the absence of a “Coming Soon” page

You can use the coming soon page to put up relevant and useful content, thereby putting the under construction process of the website under covers. But, what kind of impression would a half-built site leave on people visiting your site for the very first time? Not a good one; that’s for sure. It just doesn’t sound professional and most people wouldn’t be making a second visit after seeing a messed up site, much less go for a purchase.

On the other hand, creation of a Coming Soon page is essential to get your site listed on Google faster – the absence of which and the presence of the default WordPress theme could mean that Google ceases indexing it until such a time that it has some real content on it.

Final Thoughts

Coming soon pages comprise of a strategy that is highly optional and not something that every business should adopt. But, it can immensely benefit those looking to run a pre-launch campaign before they take the finished product live; let them begin marketing campaigns and achieve growth early.


Zac Johnson is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the world of online marketing and branding. Follow his journey at Blogging.org and ZacJohnson.com.


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