Bernie Sanders, bring me a dream
Make it the strongest that I’ve ever seen
The middle class will stop bending over
and that’s when all the lonesome nights are overSanders
I’m so alone
Don’t have a country to call my own
Please turn on your magic beam,
Bernie Sanders bring me a dream
Love the Andrews Sisters, The Mills Brothers, and US Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders? If you answered a whole-hearted yes, this song is just the thing for you.
This adorable ditty out of the 50’s (sort of) is brought to us none other than the Babe-alon 5. Babe-alon 5 is a vocal trio with Kasey “Corn Nuts” Foster, Kiley “And How” Moore, and Tara “Taboo” Smith, with Pianu Reeves tickling the ivories and on occasion, “Crazy Guy Alan on drums, Tickertape Otto on guitar, and original ditties from Wild Earp.” They sing at parties, weddings, and other fun events. They’re sweller than the cat’s pyjamas, and sweeter than the bees knees.
A number of their commenters had nothing but high praise for these three:
Watch this lovely trio sing their love song to Mr. Sanders below:
On the other hand, one commenter was quick to cite another group that had turned out similar song for Bernie Sanders. Have a listen below:
It seems this one person was willing to pit these two vocal groups against each other. However, we offer a different option: both groups have great renditions of one song they both have their own witty take on the presidentiable’s stands on national issues, and both were able to infuse their performances with their unique personalities.
Having both these talented and intelligent groups on Bernie Sander’s side is more than enough reason to feel great.
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