Amy Schumer Is A Healthy Weight But She Can’t Catch A Break

The moral of the story has got to be "who really cares if Amy Schumer is a healthy weight"?

amy schumer

Poor Amy Schumer has been fighting off weight critics for a while now. It started a few months ago when Glamour Magazine released an edition that included her in a list of “plus-sized women”. And holy skinny cow did she get pissed about that. In now time the prevailing sentiment on the internet was both “Amy Schumer is a healthy weight” and “Amy Schumer could stand to lose some weight.”

But she definitely stepped on a few toes when she rejected being called “plus-sized” though she later stated that she was proud of “other plus-sized women”. It was a very awkward moment for everybody involved.

Recently she fired back at the haters with this post on Instagram. The comedian gave the simplest and most effective rebuttal possible, which was simply to state “I feel happy”.

But really we don’t care that much is Amy Schumer is a healthy weight or if she’s skinny. She’s a comedian. She’s supposed to make us laugh. Let the doctors tell us how much we’re supposed to weigh.

Featured Image: [Flickr/Torbak Hopper]

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