Everyone loves Jeopardy! contestant Buzzy Cohen because everyone loves a winner… right? Well, not exactly.
If you’ve ever watched any of the more recent episodes of the trivia game show Jeopardy!, you probably know this face. He’s Buzzy Cohen. He’s driving audience members either up the all or out of their minds, all the while winning game after game and just raking in all that money.
Watch him in action below. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Aaand how are you? In love? Enraged? All “meh”? Wondering how his hair stays that way? We are, too.
Apparently, so is the rest of Twitter.
First, let’s take a look a look at his fans.
This Buzzy Cohen guy on Jeopardy rules. pic.twitter.com/Hj6i25RRG1
— Tom Power (@tompowercbc) May 25, 2016
They dig his style, and they dig his braininess.
I don’t care what the haters say. I think reigning #Jeopardy champ #BuzzyCohen is cute as hell! 🙂 (Not to mention smart as hell, too.)
— Erica Scott (@EricaLScott) May 27, 2016
He is indeed their hero.
yo, like #BuzzyCohen is the jeopardy hero we deserve
— Maddy Tabing (@madtab) May 26, 2016
That dreamy coif, and those stylishly vintage specs.
I have an increasingly serious crush on Buzzy Cohen. #Jeopardy
— Ann Nichols (@imagineannie) May 24, 2016
Some fans do like to gloat.
#BuzzyCohen is awesome – the rest of you people just CHILL THE F OUT. Guy is just having a good time. What’s the matter? Jealous?
— Carolyn Young (@catenemslayla) May 26, 2016
And then, of course, there are those who don’t like Buzzy Cohen one bit.
Someone please take Buzzy Cohen down tomorrow! Can’t take the smugness anymore! #Jeopardy
— Mixed Bag (@m_ixedbag) May 26, 2016
Er, the squad that loathes together, stays together…?
The whole apartment just watched @Jeopardy and we are losing out goddamn minds over what a super villain #BuzzyCohen is turning out to be.
— Jayme B. (@jaymetweets) May 27, 2016
Can they see Alex Trebec screaming with his eyes?
Getting the feeling Alex Trebek isn’t jazzed about #buzzycohen. He seems disappointed when he answers correctly. @Jeopardy
— Janet (@JanetIsHere) April 29, 2016
And they’ve had about enough of his signature gesture.
Brush your shoulders one more time #BuzzyCohen and see what happens #Jeopardy
— Kay Zimmermann (@kayzimmers) April 29, 2016
Some people just can’t decide with their feelings.
#BuzzyCohen still don’t know if I love him, or hate him! @Jeopardy #Jeopardy pic.twitter.com/VVu6EI9L1h
— Rachel S (@SalvatoSocial) May 27, 2016
And then, of course, other Twitter users capitalized on drawing hilarious comparisons.
John Tuturro in Barton Fink + John Tuturro in Quiz Show = #BuzzyCohen on #Jeopardy pic.twitter.com/ANktTbdzqX
— e.lizbeth (@UniverseHeard) May 23, 2016
With all his knowledge, he might be.
#BuzzyCohen reminds me of one of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s college pals.
— Monique (@monique_g07) May 6, 2016
Like I said (Yes, I know they aren’t from the same decade. Just chill.)
When #BuzzyCohen gets a question right on #Jeopardy about the 40s, my sister and I joke that it’s not fair because he is from the 40s.
— MANDY (@AmandaFortner) April 30, 2016
It’s what gives his hair that winning shine.
Buzzy Cohen styles his hair with the tears of his haters. #Jeopardy #BuzzyCohen
— Megan Hodges (@organicsoymilk_) May 26, 2016
And just like this article, all good things must come to an end. Case in point.
Don’t worry everyone, winner or not #BuzzyCohen will eventually look like this. #Jeopardy pic.twitter.com/gra6e44R8w
— Jeremy Newberger (@jeremynewberger) May 26, 2016