America’s Most Embarrassing Political Moments Of 2018

America's Worst Moments Of 2018

A new year may be ahead of us, but the memory of the last one is still fresh in most of our minds. One for the history books, 2018 is just another blemish on our country’s reputation. Here are some of America’s most embarrassing political moments of 2018.

When Melania Wore This

America's Worst Moments Of 2018

The First Lady made waves when she chose to wear this jacket with the words “Really Don’t Care Do U?” written across the back on her way to visit immigrant children who’d been thrown in detention centers. Separated from their parents at the border, the response was an overwhelming yes.

When Trump Forgot The Words

Remember when Trump embarrassed the country after forgetting the national anthem during a college football game in Atlanta? If you don’t, then you might remember the second time he did it after his failed Super Bowl event when he invited a bunch of Philadelphia Eagles fans to the White House. Only this time it wasn’t the “Star Spangled Banner” he forgot the words to but “God Bless America.” Talk about awkward.

Numerous Government Shutdowns

America's Worst Moments Of 2018

In 2018, the government was shut down on three separate occasions: in January, February, and December. The president will literally do anything to get his damn wall started. Speaking of his wall…

Reports Coming Out Of Immigration Detention Centers

Immigration detention centers were a huge focus in the media last year, as the separation of children and parents at the border raised suspicion. It wasn’t long before reports began to surface claiming that children were living in deplorable conditions. Evidence of sexual and physical abuse occurred numerous times, and several children have even died in the care of border agents.

Trump’s Meeting With Kanye West

America's Worst Moments Of 2018

Only in America would the president of the United States invite a washed-up rapper turned fashion designer to a meeting at the White House and think it should be taken seriously. At least having Kanye West in the Oval Office made Trump appear sane by comparison, which was probably the big plan all along.

The GoFundMe Page For The Wall

America's Worst Moments Of 2018

Veterans are living on the streets, Flint is still without drinkable water, and Louisiana still hasn’t recovered from Hurricane Katrina yet people are donating their money to build a goddamn wall. It took just days to collect millions towards a cause that won’t ever be approved. This just goes to show how a racist agenda will always take precedence over helping our own. If that’s not terribly embarrassing then I don’t know what is.

Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination

America's Worst Moments Of 2018

Even after it became quite clear that Brett Kavanaugh didn’t belong on the Supreme Court or in any kind of power position, he remained supported by our dear president. Numerous women came forward accusing the man of rape and sexual assault, but as usual, no one cares what women have to say. Even his unprofessional and guilt-riden outbursts at his trial weren’t enough to get him to boot, and he now sits on the Supreme Court.

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Rose Burke

Freelance writer and art enthusiast, Rose Burke, often writes humorous essays inspired by awkward dating experiences and life’s cruel sense of humor. When she's not doing that, she's typically writing entertainment articles on women's issues, politics, feminism, and other trending topics her readers love. Her work has been published in The Southampton Review, The Conium Review, The Richest, The Independent, CINEMABLEND, and more. Author of the popular feminist blog series "Writings of the Satirical Feminista," Rose is currently focusing on a collection of humorous personal essays while she travels the world.


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