Remember your first Tamagotchi in the 90’s? (Or at least, seeing your friend’s first tamagotchi, which kind of gives you the same feeling.) Turning that tiny, electronic, plastic egg in your hands, getting a feel for the button system of the game, scrolling through the menu and the many options while your pixelated charge watches you from behind a yellow-green-tinged LCD screen. This should be easy, you think, just like playing doll or taking care of a pet, a fake pet at that. It looks to you for its sustenance, its hygiene, its intelligence, and even its discipline 24/7.
You begin to see to its needs religiously, even before your on. Maybe you even scheduled your daily activities around it pitiful beeps. Day by day, the realization settles deep into your skin and permeates you to your bones — the responsibility for the growth and well-being of this virtual infant now rests on your shoulders — yours and yours alone. You and this creature now have an eternal bond that ties you to it. And when it dies, you know its is you alone who must bear the brunt of its demise.
But seriously, should you miss the experience of caring for a tamagotchi, no need to get all teary-eyed in the nostalgia. You can now take your pet with you everywhere you go, nestled all safe and snug right in your Apple Watch, thanks to Bandai Namco. Living on your wrist will pose some limitations to your personal blob, however. with animation restraints, it wont react to food or discipline, and you’ll have to get on your phone to play games with it and keep it happy. If this sounds all good to you, the only course of action to take is to download it here.
Celebrate the return of this tiny pocket pet with this song, fresh from the 90’s:
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