Hillary Clinton gave readers an inside look at what was going through her mind during the presidential campaign in her most recent book “What Happened,” and received positive reviews overall. She touches on sexism, Russian interference, and what it was like running against a doofus like Trump. (My words, not hers.) As with anything being sold on the internet, however, there are always going to be some negative reviews. Here are the most hilariously petty reviews of Hillary Clinton’s book I could find online.
1. Fact Or Fiction

Even though Clinton’s book was marketed as a memoir, this reviewer seems to think it would be better suited as fiction. Petty, to say the least, this reader called this book “an amazing work of fiction.” Hardly a useful review for potential readers, but at least they got to stick it to Clinton with their 1-star rating.
2. Pity Party

An overwhelming number of reviews seem to think that Clinton’s book is nothing more than a list of excuses, or a “pity party” as this reviewer ever so eloquently puts it. Saying that she should have kept her internal thoughts to herself is overkill though and frankly kind of sexist.
3. Greatest Candidate Ever

This review just wreaks of sarcasm, but at least it’s relatively useful to anyone looking to buy the book. They might think the book would have been better if Clinton had actually won the election, but considering it was released less than a year after her loss, there’s a good chance that a large portion of the book was written while the debate was still hot and heavy. So what if Clinton tooted her own horn a bit about how great her campaign was?
4. Excuses Excuses

One might expect a review from a Clinton supporter to contain fewer criticisms, yet this one is just full of them. Clinton’s excuses for practically everything are listed in this guy’s comment, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that this review was in fact written by a man. One who might not see how making a list of excuses a woman makes in her book is far more “painful and
5. Grandma Hillary

While very few people would consider Hillary Clinton to be a “sweet little personable grandmother” other than her own grandchildren, it appears that this reviewer felt that she tried to come off that way. Clinton’s political persona has never been anything but professional and intellectual, but god forbid she reveals a more intimate look at who she is in her own memoir. Unless you know the former first lady on a personal basis, there’s just no way one could say she’s not actually a “sweet little personable grandmother” when she’s not working the campaign trail.
6. The Blame Game

If the previous reviews weren’t petty enough for you, this one tops them all. They decided that Clinton’s book “What Happened” deserves an entirely different title: “The Blame Game”
7. Sad Woman

Nothing deters potential buyers like a review that says nothing about the product! This review calling Clinton a “sad sad woman” is not only petty, but incredibly useless.