What Happens in a YouTube Minute [Infographic]

YouTube minute

How much time do you spend on YouTube? Probably too much.

But, have you ever thought of all the stuff that goes on in the backend of that massive video platform? You might be limited to your favorite channels, or whatever you find interesting via Twitter, Facebook, or Social News Daily, but there is whole gaggle of activity going on – which is to be expected from a platform of YouTube’s size.

So do you know what happens in a YouTube minute?

Here is an infographic from YouTube Downloader, which will tell you the details of all the things that happen within a YouTube minute. Here are a few teasers, before you view the entire graphic.

  • At least 2,777,777 videos are viewed in a minute. While that’s a whopping figure, what caught my attention more was the number of sevens. It makes for a pretty number, doesn’t it?
  • 100 hours of video are uploaded every 60 seconds
  • At least 1,388 channel subscriptions happen every minute
  • Pewdiepie earns the most – $13.31 per minute, that’s a total of $7 million per year. Whew!

Learn more, and maybe be inspired to start your own YouTube channel…

YouTube minute

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