Video of Katy Perry Falling Off Segway Goes Viral [Video]

Remember Segways? Those things that were supposed to replace walking as the number one way to get from point A to point B at the breakneck speed of 3 mph? Yeah, those things are actually still around. Want proof? Here’s a clip of Katy Perry trying to tame one at Burning Man.


If only more celebrities had goofed around on these things when they first came out, we might actually have adopted them ourselves. You can’t help but wonder how one of them found its way to Burning Man, an annual festival that takes place from late August to Labor Day. It features music, food, art, and of course—giant figures made of wood and kindling, set alight to create a massive bonfire.

Burning man is an experiment in community and art. The festival is influenced by 10 main principles, which include “radical inclusion” and community cooperation, “radical self-expression”, “radical self-reliance”, gifting and decommodification, and leaving no trace.

For Perry, Burning Man must be a nice break from the drama following her around in California. This month, she confirmed a viral image of a supposed text exchange between her and a fan was a hoax. Perry’s denial finally convinced the creator of the image to step forward and admit it was a joke that people had taken far too seriously.


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