Using Social Media to Advertise Company Events

In a socially charged world, studies have shown that meeting and event planners are turning to social media as a means of engaging attendees and marketing upcoming events. The use of social media when planning corporate events is beneficial for several reasons. First, it provides attendees with real-time updates and information on the event. Second, it allows organizers to improve future events based on attendee feedback. Lastly, it encourages greater participation in the future. If you’re planning an event in the near future, social media is a tool you should definitely be using.

Remarketing to Prospects

Social media platforms like Facebook offer targeted solutions for marketing. Event planners can essentially generate advertisements geared towards those who may have attended an event in the past, reviewed event information but never sent in an RSVP, and more. Such targeted advertisements can help you to reach more authentic followers who would be interested in attending your event.

Embed Highlight Reels

The best way to encourage people to come to your event is to show them what a good time they missed. Creating a video of the events as they take place and uploading the video to your social media account gives viewers something to look at. Planning a corporate event in San Diego? San Diego tours can be a great way to mix up the monotony of a boring business meeting. The footage of attendees enjoying the tour of the city added to your social media page will certainly get some likes and shares. This, in turn gets followers interested in attending your events in the future.



Testimonials and Comments

After an event it is common for organizations to ask attendees to complete surveys to determine what they can do better or what they enjoyed. When you receive positive feedback and exciting testimonials, posting them on social media can be instrumental in attracting new attendees in the future. If you have the time and resources, testimonial videos can go viral and really beef up participation in your events.


How to Improve Your Offline Social Networking Events with


Use Hash Tags

You’d think that hash tags would be a given, but many event planners forget this important marketing jewel. Using an event-specific hashtag and using it on all of your digital content can increase visibility. Be sure to use hashtags well in advance so that it’s trending by the time your event happens. Hashtags make it easier for readers to understand what your post is about. It is also a great way to have engaging conversations about your event before, during, and after it’s over.

Interview Speakers

Do you have special speakers coming to your next event? If you want to get the buzz going about your event prior to the date the best way to do this is to conduct a mini interview. You can get a basic bio on your guest speakers and then ask key questions that will give viewers insight on what you event is about and what they can learn. Even a brief Q and A session can provide more insight and get potential attendees excited about what’s to come.

Share Photos and Tag Attendees

Pictures are worth a thousand words and can be very instrumental in helping you to engage attendees on social media. During planned events, take lots of pictures that can be uploaded to social media. If you have pictures of attendees who also happen to be following you, tag them in the picture for even more exposure. Now their friends can see the event and may be inclined to register for your next one.

Social media may have started off as nothing more than a platform for individuals to share photos and send messages to friends and family, but it has come a long way. Businesses and event planners should be leveraging the various social media platforms to gain more exposure and draw more attention to their events. In using each of these methods you should see an increase in followers, engagement, and event attendance.



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