“Thanks, Haters!” Ugly-Cute Girl Feeds Off Troll Tweets


This ugly-cute girl could be the new face of positivity — and it’s absolutely gorgeous.

This young lady, only known to the rest of cyberspace as @_5m91, gained a boom in her follower count — all 3,000 new followers in record time. The reason?

Her epic before-and-after snap.

Guuuurl. Your make-up game so on-point. Fierce!

Despite her sunny attitude and self-deprecating humor “she chortles as she describes herself as “a human with an extremely subpar facial quality”), a number of tweeps got mean real fast. However, she choose to have her fun with these comments, laughing at them all the while:

“Here’s a roundup of nasty comments I’ve received recently:”
“Ugly girls are still ugly no matter how much makeup they plaster on!”
“Both of your pictures are ‘before’ pictures in my eyes!”
“Your ‘after’ picture looks like a cyborg.”
“Still waiting for the ‘after’ picture! Come on!”

“And here’s my favorite of them all!”
“Congratulations, you are an extremely ugly girl who has managed to make herself merely ugly.”

Nasty, nasty people.

This ugly-cute lady was not the least bit rattled. In fact, she even thanked and celebrated all her retweets, whether they were done in good- or ill will.

She sometimes generously shares her own super-secret beauty tips on how to look glam on a dime. One such secret is creating her double eyelid using adhesive band-aid strips. Smart!

Now, some haters would think her man might sue after seeing her without makeup, but she’s happily in love. Plus, there’s she’s got one more beautiful reason to smile about — she’s six months pregnant!

We wish this sassy lady, her beloved, and their wee bundle of joy all the best in the world. You keep doing you, girl!

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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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