Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Schedules First ‘Personal’ Trip To China

Dick Costolo Visiting China

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has scheduled his first “personal” trip to China. Costolo will likely meet with important Chinese officials who decided to ban Twitter and its more than 600 million Twitter users.

According to a Reuters report Costolo will meet with professors, students, and local officials in the city of Shanghai. Among those meetings will be members of the city’s free trade zone.

Twitter officials say that Costola has made no plans to lobby for an end to the Twitter ban. In an official statement a Twitter rep states, “We have no plans to change anything about our service in order to enter the market.”

SEE ALSO:Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: No Pressure To Launch IPO As Company Continues To Work On New Revenue Streams

While his first trip to the country may not yield a lift on Twitter’s ban, it will no doubt serve as a needed first point of contact for the lucrative Chinese market.

[Photo Credit: Joi Ito]



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